Jayne Wotton - Ontrac Agency Ltd:
“Ontrac is a creative marketing design agency based in Newtown. We have been in business for 20 years and offer a range of marketing disciplines ranging from design, artwork, website, events and exhibitions.
“We have been using Sell2Wales certainly around 8 years – not sure how long it has been in operation......and view it daily. It is part of our new business strategy.
“We have won business in a couple of ways: a company contacting us directly through Buy4Wales and from getting on framework contracts that have been advertised through Sell2Wales. A couple of years ago, one of the frameworks we were on was responsible for all our turnover on events
“There are a number of companies who are apprehensive about using Sell2Wales......mainly because they find public sector tendering a bit arduous. I would certainly suggest to any company to use it as not only is it a free resource, but you basically have all the tender opportunities available in one place.
“My top tip for tendering for a business similar to ourselves would be read the brief, and if you are going to go for the work, ensure you take the time to address all parts of the tender. Something I have learnt from bitter experience as well is make sure you have taken into consideration the scoring criteria – it is not there for the author’s health!”