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Contract Notice

Provision of Replacement Street Benches for Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council

  • First published: 02 November 2022
  • Last modified: 02 November 2022
  • This file may not be fully accessible.


You are viewing an expired notice.

The buyer is not using this website to administer the notice.

To record your interest or obtain additional information or documents please find instructions within the Full Notice Text. (NOTE: Contract Award Notices and Prior Information Notices do not normally require a response)



Published by:
Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council
Authority ID:
Publication date:
02 November 2022
Deadline date:
16 November 2022
Notice type:
Contract Notice
Has documents:
Has SPD:
Has Carbon Reduction Plan:


Neath Port Talbot Council (the “Council”) seeks to tender for the supply of street benches as part of the Reset, Recover and Renew plan that additional invest was to be given to Neighbourhood Services to the value of £100,000.00 to replace 3 benches per electoral ward throughout the county borough. The geographic make up of each of the 42 electoral wards will vary depending on the location within the County Borough. The additional funding is a one off investment and is available within the financial year 22/23. The benches will be utilised throughout the County Borough to replace existing benches, the locations will vary from verges along the highway to park locations and will serve many different communities in NPT. This tender will comprise of 2 Lots. Tenderers may submit a bid for one Lot or both Lots. The Tenderer must offer the whole of the quantity or quantities indicated for each Lot. Under no circumstances shall a Tender for part of the quantities required, be taken into consideration. Each Lot will be awarded separately. If the Tenderer is awarded more than one Lot, a single Contract shall be concluded with respect to all the Lots awarded. Lot 1 - Cast Iron End & Timber Seating Benches Lot 2 - Polyboard benches. Further information is available in the tender documents.

Full notice text



1 Authority Details


Authority Name and Address

Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council

Legal & Procurement, Civic Centre,

Port Talbot

SA13 1PJ


Jonathan Gall

+44 1639763378


Address from which documentation may be obtained

As in 1.1


Completed documents must be returned to:

As in 1.1

2 Contract Details



Provision of Replacement Street Benches for Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council


Description of the goods or services required

Neath Port Talbot Council (the “Council”) seeks to tender for the supply of street benches as part of the Reset, Recover and Renew plan that additional invest was to be given to Neighbourhood Services to the value of £100,000.00 to replace 3 benches per electoral ward throughout the county borough. The geographic make up of each of the 42 electoral wards will vary depending on the location within the County Borough. The additional funding is a one off investment and is available within the financial year 22/23.

The benches will be utilised throughout the County Borough to replace existing benches, the locations will vary from verges along the highway to park locations and will serve many different communities in NPT.

This tender will comprise of 2 Lots. Tenderers may submit a bid for one Lot or both Lots. The Tenderer must offer the whole of the quantity or quantities indicated for each Lot. Under no circumstances shall a Tender for part of the quantities required, be taken into consideration. Each Lot will be awarded separately. If the Tenderer is awarded more than one Lot, a single Contract shall be concluded with respect to all the Lots awarded.

Lot 1 - Cast Iron End & Timber Seating Benches

Lot 2 - Polyboard benches.

Further information is available in the tender documents.

NOTE: The authority is using eTenderwales to carry out this procurement process. To obtain further information record your interest on Sell2Wales at


Notice Coding and Classification

34928000 Road furniture
34928400 Urban furniture
39113600 Benches
45233293 Installation of street furniture
79934000 Furniture design services
1017 Bridgend and Neath Port Talbot


Total quantity or scope of tender

As set out in the Invitation to Tender (ITT).

3 Conditions for Participation


Minimum standards and qualification required

As set out in the Invitation to Tender (ITT).

4 Administrative Information


Type of Procedure

Single stage


Reference number attributed to the notice by the contracting authority



Time Limits

Time-limit for receipt of completed tenders
    16-11-2022  Time  14:30

Estimated award date


Language or languages in which tenders or requests to participate can be drawn up



Tender Submission Postbox

5 Other Information


Additional Information

If you require independent support or advice in the tendering process, Business Wales provide guidance and advice (free of charge) by way of:

- On-line information

- Telephone support

- Workshops

Further information on how to access this guidance and advice is available by accessing this ITT or by contacting Business Wales on 03000 603000.

Suppliers' Instructions 'How to Express Interest in this ITT:

1. Register your company on the eTenderwales portal (this is required only once. However if your details have changed since you registered

you will need to up-date them).

- Browse to the eSourcing Portal:

- Click the 'Suppliers register here' link.

- Complete the ‘Organisation Details’ and ‘User Details’ sections.

- Note the username you choose and click 'Save' when complete.

- You will shortly receive an email with your unique password (please keep this secure).

- Agree to the terms and conditions and click 'continue'.

2. Express an interest in the ITT.

- Login to the portal with the username / password.

- Click the ITT Open to all Suppliers’ link.

- Alternatively, search for the relevant ITT ( itt_itt_98543)

- Click on the relevant ITT to access the content.

- Click the 'Express Interest' button on the right-hand side of the screen.

- This will move the ITT into your 'My ITT pages'. (This is a secure area reserved for your projects only.)

- Click on the ITT code, you can now access any attachments by selecting ‘Buyer Attachments'.

3. Responding to the ITT.

- You can now choose to 'Respond’ or ‘Decline to Respond' (please give a reason if declining).

- You can now use the 'Messages' function to communicate with the buyer and seek any clarification.

- Note the ‘Closing Date’, and then follow the onscreen instructions to complete the ITT.

There is help available Monday - Friday (8am - 6pm) on: or by telephone on

0800 069 8634.

(WA Ref:124535)


Additional Documentation


Publication date of this notice



Commodity categories

ID Title Parent category
39113600 Benches Miscellaneous seats and chairs
79934000 Furniture design services Specialty design services
45233293 Installation of street furniture Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads
34928000 Road furniture Road equipment
34928400 Urban furniture Road furniture

Delivery locations

ID Description
1017 Bridgend and Neath Port Talbot

Alert region restrictions

The buyer has restricted the alert for this notice to suppliers based in the following regions.

ID Description
There are no alert restrictions for this notice.

Document family

Notice details
Publication date:
02 November 2022
Deadline date:
16 November 2022 00:00
Notice type:
Contract Notice
Authority name:
Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council
Publication date:
06 February 2023
Notice type:
Contract Award Notice
Authority name:
Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council

About the buyer

Main contact:
Admin contact:
Technical contact:
Other contact:

Further information

Date Details
No further information has been uploaded.

0800 222 9004

Lines are open 8:30am to 5pm Monday to Friday.

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau'n Gymraeg.

We welcome calls in Welsh.