Additional Information
You are requested to express an interest by 'recording your interest' in this opportunity on Sell2Wales and uploading the completed response form to Sell2Wales by noon on 22 March 2019.
The services that we are looking for include:
- Running workshops with senior QW staff to share and promote ideas and to help us to develop our vision for e-assessment in Wales;
- Once we have some clarity on our vision and the opportunities – organising at least one large event for teachers, head-teachers, regional consortia, local authority and Welsh Government officials, awarding bodies and others in the qualifications system – speaking or providing speakers to showcase developments in other countries and industry sectors and to stimulate discussion. This is likely to be in late September and linked to the curriculum consultation;
- Running other sessions or attending other meetings (for example consortia led regional meetings or AoLE (Area of Learning and Experience) groups – to educate and stimulate discussion. These sessions would be at invitation from hosts so cannot be guaranteed. There are 4 education consortia and 6 AoLE groups. In addition, QW runs a Head Teacher reference group and WG runs a new curriculum programme (with various meeting groups) and there is a separate quarterly meeting for bodies who support the education system in Wales;
- Providing on-going advice to QW management team and qualifications development projects (ad hoc);
- Optionally - evaluation of improved awareness across the education sector;
- Optionally – attending GQ engagement/consultation events on QW proposed high level approach to the development of new qualifications.
You will be asked to propose opportunities to promote ideas as part of the tender. However, an initial event schedule would be agreed with us after contract award, within 4 weeks of the award (recognising additional ad hoc forums by also be agreed later on).
(WA Ref:90253)