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Cyngor Sir Ceredigion County Council
Canolfan Rheidol, Rhoddfa Padarn, Aberystwyth, SY23 3UE, GB
+44 1545570881
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Procurement & Commissioning Team
Canolfan Rheidol, Rhodfa Padarn, Aberystwyth, SY23 3UE
01545 570881


Gwybodaeth am Gyngor Sir Ceredigion

Yn ddaearyddol, Ceredigion yw un o siroedd mwyaf Cymru, gydag arwynebedd o bron i 1,800 o gilometrau sgwâr. Hon yw un o’r siroedd a’r ardaloedd prin hynny yng Nghymru lle mae’r boblogaeth wedi tyfu’n sylweddol dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf oherwydd mewnfudo net. Mae’r boblogaeth o 77,800 wedi’i chrynhoi’n bennaf yn y trefi a’r aneddiadau ar hyd yr arfordir, gyda thua 18,000 yn byw yn Aberystwyth. Er hynny, mae poblogaeth y Sir yn denau ac mae’r Sir gyfan yn cael ei diffinio fel ardal wledig. Fel ardaloedd gwledig eraill, mae poblogaeth y Sir hon yn heneiddio ac mae nifer y bobl ifanc yn disgyn.

Amaethyddiaeth, twristiaeth a manwerthu yw ein prif sectorau cyflogaeth, gyda thros 3,700 o fusnesau wedi’u cofrestru at ddibenion TAW. Mae tua 40% o weithlu Ceredigion yn gweithio yn y sector cyhoeddus ym maes iechyd, addysg, ymchwil a gweinyddu cyhoeddus. Mae cyfran uchel o’r boblogaeth, sef 58%, yn siarad Cymraeg ac mae’r ardal yn parhau i fod yn un o gadarnleoedd treftadaeth a diwylliant Cymreig.

Cyngor Sir Ceredigion sy’n gyfrifol am ddarparu’r holl wasanaethau llywodraeth leol yng Ngheredigion. Mae’r Cyngor Sir hefyd yn cynrychioli buddiannau trigolion Ceredigion ar nifer o bartneriaethau lleol, rhanbarthol a chenedlaethol. Fel Awdurdod Unedol, mae’r Cyngor yn gyfrifol am ddarparu’r gwasanaethau a chyflawni’r swyddogaethau a ganlyn:

• Gweinyddu Budd-dâl Treth y Cyngor		• Budd-daliadau Tai
• Iechyd Anifeiliaid					• Gwasanaethau Tai
• Archifau						• Gwasanaethau Hamdden
• Mynwentydd					• Gwasanaethau Llyfrgell
• Cofrestru Sifil					• Trwyddedu
• Amddiffyn yr Arfordir				• Cynllunio Lleol
• Casglu a Gwaredu Gwastraff			• Marchnadoedd
• Dysgu Cymunedol					• Dysgu Cymunedol
• Tocynnau Teithio Rhatach			• Cynllunio Gwastraff a Mwynau
• Ffermydd y Cyngor				• Amgueddfeydd
• Casglu Treth y Cyngor				• Parciau a Gerddi
• Parciau Gwledig					• Cyfleusterau Cyhoeddus
• Datblygu Economaidd				• Trafnidiaeth Gyhoeddus
• Gwasanaethau Addysg				• Diogelwch ar y Ffyrdd
• Cofrestru Etholiadol				• Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol
• Cynlluniau Argyfwng				• Cynllunio Strategol
• Iechyd Amgylcheddol				• Goleuadau Stryd
• Gwarchod yr Amgylchedd			• Cefnogi’r Celfyddydau
• Grantiau i Grwpiau Gwirfoddol			• Twristiaeth
• Porthladdoedd					• Safonau Masnach
• Cynnal a Chadw Ffyrdd				• Rheoli Traffig
• Grantiau Adnewyddu Tai				• Cynllunio Trafnidiaeth

Dyma brif godau post Ceredigion:

• SA38 • SA40 • SA43 • SA44 • SA45 • SA46 • SY20 • SY23 • SY24 • SY25

Information about Ceredigion County Council

Ceredigion is one of the largest counties in Wales geographically, covering nearly 1,800sq kilometres. It is one of the few Counties and areas in Wales which has experienced a large growth in its population in recent years, due to net in-migration. The 77,800 population is concentrated along the Coastal corridor of towns and settlements, with Aberystwyth accommodating around 18,000. Even so, the County is sparsely populated and the whole County is defined as a rural area. The County, similar to other rural areas, is experiencing an ageing population combined with a fall in the number of young people. 
Our main sectors of employment are agriculture, tourism, and retail with over 3,700 VAT registered businesses. Around 40% of the workforce in Ceredigion is employed in the public sector in health, education, research and public administration. A high proportion of the population, 58% speak Welsh and the area remains a stronghold of Welsh culture and heritage.
Ceredigion County Council is responsible for the provision of all Local Government service for the county of Ceredigion. The County Council also represents the interests of the people of Ceredigion on many partnerships on a local, regional and national basis. As a Unitary Authority, the Council has responsibility for delivering the following services and functions:
• Administration of Council Tax Benefit		• Housing Benefits
• Animal Health 					• House Renovation Grants 
• Archives 						• Leisure Services 
• Cemeteries 					• Library Services 
• Civil Registration 					• Licensing 
• Coast Protection 					• Local Planning 
• Collection and Disposal of Waste 		• Markets 
• Community Learning 				• Community Learning 
• Concessionary Fares 				• Minerals and Waste Planning 
• Council Farms 					• Museums 
• Council Tax collection 				• Parks and Gardens 
• Country Parks 					• Public Conveniences 
• Economic Development 				• Public Transport 
• Education Services 				• Road Safety 
• Electoral Registration 				• Social Services 
• Emergency Planning •				 Strategic Planning 
• Environmental Health 				• Street Lighting 
• Environmental Protection 			• Supporting the Arts 
• Grants to Voluntary Groups 			• Tourism 
• Harbours 						• Trading Standards 
• Highway Maintenance 				• Traffic Management 
• Housing Related Services 			• Transport Planning
Ceredigion is located across the following principal post codes: 

• SA38 • SA40 • SA43 • SA44 • SA45 • SA46 • SY20 • SY23 • SY24 • SY25



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Current contract notices

1 Results

Title Deadline Published
Notice published in FTS eTenderwales is used for this notice. Suitable for consortia bidding  Cylch Caron Integrated Resource Centre, Ceredigion Delivery Partner 20 September 2024 26 July 2024

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